
Ventura Misdemeanor Lawyer

Misdemeanor crimes are considered less serious than felony crimes and carry jail sentences of up to a year along with potential fines. While less serious than felonies, they should never be taken lightly. Being sentenced to jail can spell the end of your job or career while fines can add up, leading to further financial distress for you and your family. You may face other penalties as well, depending on the nature of the offense, such as the loss of your license, court-ordered education or treatment programs, community service hours, restitution to alleged victims, and more. 

If you have been arrested and charged with a misdemeanor in or around Ventura, your first action should be to find a proven and reliable criminal defense lawyer. At Elizabeth Elwood Law, Attorney Liz Elwood spent her career of more than 35 years practicing law on behalf of local communities in California. As a former prosecutor, she thoroughly understands how the other side operates when trying to convict you. That experience works in your favor as our firm thoroughly investigates the circumstances of your arrest to uncover and expose any flaws or defects in the case against you. The earlier you bring Liz into your case, the more effective she can be; in some cases, it can result in cases being dropped when insufficient or unreliable evidence does not support potential charges.

Request a free initial consultation with our Ventura misdemeanor attorney at Elizabeth Elwood Law using our online contact form or by calling us at (530) 500-6470.

Misdemeanor Crimes in California

Misdemeanors can be classified into two types. These include “standard” and “aggravated” or gross misdemeanors. 

Examples of standard misdemeanors include:

  • Petty theft
  • Shoplifting
  • Disorderly conduct
  • Indecent exposure
  • Simple assault
  • Domestic battery
  • DUI 
  • Driving on a suspended license
  • Probation violations
  • Violation of a restraining order
  • Prostitution
  • Drug possession
  • Reckless driving 

Standard misdemeanors carry the potential for jail in a county jail for up to six months while aggravated misdemeanors can carry jail sentences of up to a year. You may also be fined up to $1,000. In many cases, those convicted of misdemeanors will be sentenced to probation instead of jail time. Terms of probation for misdemeanors may last for one to three years or more. 

When on probation, you will need to comply with all of the terms imposed by the court. These can include:

  • Completing community service hours
  • Paying restitution to victims
  • Attending counseling or treatment programs
  • Avoiding drugs or alcohol if the conviction was related to these substances
  • Returning to court to report your progress
  • Avoiding new arrests or charges while on probation

If you violate any of the terms, your probation can be revoked and you will be returned to jail to complete your original sentence. 

Beyond these penalties, a conviction will also damage your criminal record which can impact future job options, rental housing applications, educational opportunities, and more. Putting our proven trial lawyer on your side from the start can give you the advantage of her vast professional experience and competence in resolving cases to optimum results. 

We Are Ready to Help
  • Available 24/7
  • Former Prosecutor
  • Member of the State Bar Since 1986
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